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Sunday, 02 January 2005
The video sequences of this website use the streaming technique.
This allows real-time viewing of the films without first needing to download the images onto the hard drive.
For this the minimum requirements are an ADSL internet connection, a browser, and a program that allows videos to be viewed :

Operating systems

Windows Media Player série 9
Windows 98/Me/SE/2000

Windows Media Player série 9
Windows XP

Real One Player v 2
Windows 98/Me/SE/2000/XP

Quick Time Player v 6
Windows 98/Me/SE/2000/XP

Quick Time Player v 6

Mac OS 8.6/9

If you have Windows Media Player (version 7 and above), Internet Explorer (version 5 and above) or Netscape (version 7), you will automatically see the video on the page.

Otherwise, you can view them externally by choosing one of the three viewers.

If viewing of the videos fails, despite a suitable software configuration, your internet access may have filters that prevent you accessing certain types of files, notably audio (.mp3) and video (.rm)


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UVSQ Hôpital Ambroise Paré AP-HP Pôle TICE - UVSQ